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Martes, 27 Febrero 2018

Nadie sin su prótesis

Visitas: 2118 Publicado en Articulos Andade

Entrevista emitida el pasado 21 de febrero de 2018 en el programa "Vamos a ver", de Radio y Televisión Castilla y León, en la que el Presidente de ANDADE, Carlos Ventosa, y D. Vidal García, técnico ortoprotésico en la Ortopedia Arturo Eyries de Valladolid, contaron a los espectadores de Castilla y León el porqué de la creación del Banco de Prótesis y su funcionamiento.


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Comments (12)

  • Regina Bettencourt

    Regina Bettencourt

    19 Marzo 2023 at 14:07 |
    To the andade.es admin, You always provide great examples and case studies.


  • Gary Arreola

    Gary Arreola

    23 Marzo 2023 at 20:52 |
    Hello andade.es owner, You always provide useful tips and best practices.


  • Thorsten Fergusson

    Thorsten Fergusson

    23 Marzo 2023 at 20:55 |
    Hello andade.es administrator, You always provide helpful information.


  • Werner Clowers

    Werner Clowers

    26 Marzo 2023 at 01:27 |
    Hi andade.es webmaster, Your posts are always well researched.


  • Nick Hodge

    Nick Hodge

    27 Marzo 2023 at 21:52 |
    Dear andade.es admin, Keep the good content coming!


  • Sherrie Thaxton

    Sherrie Thaxton

    01 Abril 2023 at 22:12 |
    Dear andade.es owner, Thanks for the well-researched post!


  • blog commenting backlinks

    blog commenting backlinks

    04 Abril 2023 at 22:05 |
    Hi andade.es webmaster, Your posts are always well-written and engaging.


  • Minda Brett

    Minda Brett

    05 Abril 2023 at 18:50 |
    Hi andade.es webmaster, Your posts are always well-cited and reliable.


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    backlinks blog

    07 Abril 2023 at 21:48 |
    Hi andade.es administrator, Your posts are always interesting.


  • How to create Wiki articles backlinks

    How to create Wiki articles backlinks

    20 Abril 2023 at 20:44 |
    Hello andade.es owner, Keep up the great work!


  • Clarence Morrill

    Clarence Morrill

    25 Abril 2023 at 11:37 |
    To the andade.es admin, Thanks for the well-organized and comprehensive post!


  • Website Traffic

    Website Traffic

    18 Mayo 2023 at 08:54 |
    Hi andade.es administrator, Your posts are always well written.


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